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СОР Английский язык 10 класс ЕМН 4 четверть «Natural Disasters» с ответами

10 ноя 2024, 21:26

Summative assessment for the unit «Independent project»
English language Grade 10

Summative assessment (SA) is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the upper secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for term in «The English language» in Grade 11. Subject Programme for «The English language» for 10-11 grades of upper secondaryeducation of the Natural-Mathematical direction on the updated content.

The structure of the summative assessment
This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the summative assessment for term.
Listening – multiple matching task on the topic «Investigate and report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins».
Reading – multiple choice task and open-ended questions in an extended text on the topic «Making connection in biology».
Writing – writing an article on the topics «Making connection in biology» and/or «Investigateand report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins».
Speaking – explaining, justifying own and others’ point of view to open-ended questions while describing pictures in pairs on the topics «Making connection in biology» and/or «Investigate and report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins».
Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3 Tapescript 1. Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.

СОР Английский язык 10 класс ЕМН 4 четверть «Independent project» с ответами

Summative Assessment for the unit «Independent project» 
Learning objectives 
Assessment criteria 
Level of thinking skills  
10.5.7 Use independently appropriate layout at text level on a 
range of general and curricular topics 
10.4.4 Read a wide range of extended fiction and non-fiction 
texts on familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular 
 Write a text keeping the layout and format of a given 
 Skim the extended fiction and non-fiction texts to evaluate 
Higher order thinking skills 
20 minutes 
Learners are arranged in small groups or pairs and write a project on the topic “Analysis of sci-fi 
film from different perspectives (Physics, Biology, Economics).” Each group of learners explores the 
topic from different angles (For example, one group explores from the perspective of Physics, others 
from the perspective of Biology or Economics). The choice of topics may be done according to 
learners` interests or the teacher may assign the topic. Learners are expected to peer-assess each 
other so it is necessary to familiarise learners with the project criteria beforehand so that to make the 
project requirements crystal clear to learners. 
Task 1. Write an analysis of a sci-fi film from one perspective. You can choose Physics, Biology, 

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