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СОЧ Английский язык 10 класс ЕМН 3 четверть с ответами

10 ноя 2024, 21:24

Суммативное оценивание за 3 четверть «Английский язык» 10 класс

Summative assessment (SA) is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the upper secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for term in «The English language» in Grade 11. Subject Programme for «The English language» for 10-11 grades of upper secondaryeducation of the Natural-Mathematical direction on the updated content.

The structure of the summative assessment
This sample of Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the summative assessment for term.
Listening – multiple matching task on the topic «Investigate and report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins».
Reading – multiple choice task and open-ended questions in an extended text on the topic «Making connection in biology».
Writing – writing an article on the topics «Making connection in biology» and/or «Investigateand report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins».
Speaking – explaining, justifying own and others’ point of view to open-ended questions while describing pictures in pairs on the topics «Making connection in biology» and/or «Investigate and report on animal world: bats, eagles, bees and dolphins».
Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3 Tapescript 1. Transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.

СОЧ Английский язык 10 класс ЕМН 3 четверть  с ответами 

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for term 3 
Task. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE 
Go to this link to listen to the audio
1. What did Dr. Charles Sykes and his team create from a single molecule?   
2. What was his invention called in the Guinness Book of World Records?   
3. In what medical fields will this smallest machine be used?     
4. What will Dr. Sykes’ invention produce being the first in the world?    
5. What is the speed of motor rotation of this invention?      
6. What is Dr. Sykes excited about thinking about his invention?     
Read the text carefully and answer the questions. 
Good Health 
Most people would agree with the definition of good health as 
being a state where you are free from sickness. People used to only 
think of their health when they were sick. But these days more and 
more people are taking measures to make sure that they don't get 
Total [6] 
One of the best things you can do for your body is exercise. 
But how much is enough? Not everyone agrees on exactly how much 
people should exercise each day. Some people think that doing 
simple things like cleaning the house are helpful. Other people do heavy exercise everyday such as 
running or swimming. 
Along with exercise, having a healthy diet can help promote good health. Foods like 
vegetables and fruits should be eaten several times each day. It is also important to eat foods high in 
fiber such as beans, grains, fruit and vegetables. Fiber helps your body to digest the food you eat. It 
also helps your body in other ways such as decreasing the chance of getting cancer, heart disease 
and diabetes. Avoiding foods with a lot of sugar, salt and fat is a good idea to decrease the 
possibility of having problems as obesity. Obesity means having so much fat on your body that you 
are risking your health. 
Another factor that affects our health is stress. There are different things that cause stress for 
different people. Money problems, work and relationships with other people can all cause stress. It 
can also be caused by good things like getting married or moving into a new house. Exercise and 
sports are a great way to reduce stress. Other activities like Tai Chi, yoga or taking a walk also help 
reduce stress. Changing the way you think can also reduce stress. Try living for now, and do not 
worry about the future.

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