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СОР Английский язык 11 класс 2 четверть ОГН «Interviews and Instructions» с ответами

13 ноя 2024, 16:40

Summative assessment for the unit «Interviews and Instructions»

English language Grade 11 SHD

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organising and carrying out Summative Assessment in the subject of «The English language» for the Grade 11 learners of upper secondary level education of the Social-Humanitarian direction on the updated content.
Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Long-term plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 11 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative
Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also, this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations

СОР Английский язык 11 класс 2 четверть ОГН «Interviews and Instructions» с ответами

Summative assessment for the unit «Interviews and Instructions» 
Learning objectives 
Assessment criteria 
Level of thinking skills 
Use imagination to express thoughts, ideas, experiences and 
Deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended talk 
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including 
talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics 
Ask and respond with appropriate syntax and vocabulary to 
open-ended higher-order thinking questions on a range of 
general and curricular topics, including some unfamiliar 
Use a range of affixes with appropriate meaning and correct 
spelling on a wide range of general and curricular topics 
 Use imagination to express thoughts and ideas 
 Recognise and take advantage of context clues to figure out the 
meaning of the text 
 Keep interaction going by posing questions and responding 
higher order thinking level 
 Communicate effectively using a range of affixes appropriately 
Knowledge and comprehension 
Higher order thinking skills  
20 minutes  
Task 1. Listen to a journalist giving advice on interviewing techniques. The journalist uses some 
words and phrases related to interviewing. Write a word or an expression (NO MORE THAN THREE 
WORDS) next to the definitions. 
Link for listening task:
1. Question which should be asked first  __________________________ 
2. Interesting or unusual details or qualities ________________ 
3. Person who answers the questions _______________ 
4. Something which the speaker doesn’t want to be included in the story ____________ 
5. Question which tricks someone into giving the answer you want __________________ 
Task 2. Work in pairs. Discuss the following statements with your partner. Ask and answer questions 
in order to get each other’s opinions.  
Card 1 
Card 2 
Card 3

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