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СОЧ Английский язык 7 класс 2 четверть с ответами

01 ноя 2024, 21:36

Суммативное оценивание за 2 четверть Английский язык 7 класс

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English langauge” in Grade 7, The Subject Programme for "English language" for 5-9 grades of secondary education on the updated content.
The structure of the summative assessment
This summative assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the
summative assessment for the term.
Listening – True/False and Gap filling tasks.
Reading – Multiple choice questions with one answer and one question with two answers.
Writing – Writing an informal letter.
Speaking – Individual long-turn talk.

СОЧ Английский язык 7 класс 2 четверть с ответами

Sample questions and mark scheme 
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 2 
Task. Do the matching exercise 1 – 5 while you listen to the recording. Complete the table with 
the correct place from the box above.  
Write the correct answer to the questions 6.CD3. Tapescript2. 
Example: What time does the train arrive at Exeter? 6.30 p.m./18.30 
             Manchester          London
                Cambridge                 Exeter 
1. Listening A 
The speaker wants to go to 
2. Listening B 
The speaker wants to go to 
3. Listening C 
The speaker wants to go to 
4. Listening D 
The train is going to  
5. Listening E 
The passengers want to go to 
6. Listening E  
What time is the train back to London? _________________________________     [1] 
Task. Read the article. 
Holidays in Space 
Total [6] 
The World Tourism Organization says that space will soon be a popular place to go on 
holiday – possibly by 2020. One Japanese company is getting ready. They are planning a space 
holiday centre. It will look like a bicycle wheel and have a hotel for 100 people and a theme 
park. It will travel round the Earth at a height of 300 km. The company hopes the centre will be 
ready in 2017. The company chairman says that flying to the centre will probably be quicker 
than flying from Hong Kong to Singapore. When they are on board of the centre, the tourists will 
take short trips to the Moon or go for walks in space.  
An American hotel group is also thinking of building a hotel, called the Lunar Hotel. This 
will be on the Ьoon. Most of the hotel will be under the ground so it won’t become too hot or too 
cold. The rooms will look just like they do on Earth. The guests will eat normal food for lunch. 
The cooks will just push a button to mix dried food with water to become an instant meal! 

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