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ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 6-сынып 4-тоқсан жауаптар

07 ноя 2024, 20:03

Summative assessment for term 4 “English language” Grade 6

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English language” in Grade 6
The Subject Programme for "English language" for 5-9 grades of secondary education on the updated content
The structure of the summative assessment
This Summative Assessment consists of 12 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term. Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected

ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 6-сынып 4-тоқсан жауаптар

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 4
Task. Listen to the talk twice.
CD3. Tapescript 3. And transcript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
Mark sentences as True or False.
1. Andreas and Maria go to their neighbor’s house because they want to invite her to the
party. [1]
True False
2. Andreas and Maria tell their neighbour that they are the Sanchez family. [1]
True False
3. Betty shares some spare crockery with Andreas and Maria. [1]
True False
Fill in the gaps.Write no more than ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.
4. The party is at the Fernandez’s new __________________. [1]
5. The party is on Saturday and it starts at___________ o’clock. [1]
Total [5]
Task. Read the dialogue about transportation.
Means of transportation dialogue
Bob: Hello, I’m sorry, but I am late. Can you help me?
Mark: Sure, no problem! How may I help you?
Bob: When is the next train to Ansonia?
Mark: I am not sure, but I think the next one leaves tomorrow at 8 pm.
Bob: What?! I can’t wait that long! What time is the next bus?
Mark: It should go by in about two hours. It leaves the bus station at about 5.30 pm.
Bob: Well, I don’t know. Isn’t there any other option?
Mark: You could take a taxi…
Bob: What’s faster, the bus or the taxi?
Mark: The taxi, of course! All you have to do is to call and ask for a taxi and it will come right
Bob: You are right, but which is the cheapest one?
Mark: The cheapest means of transportation is the subway.
Bob: When have you ever seen a subway here in Connecticut?
Mark: You’re right. But anyway why don’t you just go walking? It’s only like 25 minutes away
from here.
Bob: You’re absolutely right. Thanks for your help.
Choose the right option.
1. Bob wants to go to … [1]
A) Connecticut
B) Ansonia
C) Bus station
D) Home
2. The train leaves … [1]

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