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ТЖБ 10-сынып Ағылшын тілі 4-тоқсан КГБ жауаптар

11 ноя 2024, 18:01

Summative Assessment for the term 4 in “English” in Grade 10

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English” in Grade 10. 

Subject Programme for “English” (within the framework of updating the content ofsecondary education) for Grades 10 of basic secondary education.

The structure of the summative assessment

This Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term.
Gap filling task is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and replaced with spaces. Learners have to fill each space with the missing word/number or a suitable word.
Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected.
Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and sentences.
Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3.
The content of the summative assessment for the 1 term should be selected on topics “Hobbies and Leisure” or/and “Communication and Technology”.

ТЖБ 10-сынып Ағылшын тілі 4-тоқсан КГБ жауаптар

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for term 4
Task. Listen to the recording and choose the correct answer according to what you hear.
Follow the link below to listen to the audio (listen until 2.11).
1. The presenter finds Charles Foster’s book …
A) extraordinary.
B) trivial.
C) unbelievable. [1]
2. When describing the book, Jon’s voice creates the atmosphere of …
A) hesitation.
B) suspicion.
C) triumph. [1]
3. According to Jon, Foster …
A) conducted thorough investigation before going for a wild.
B) had no chance to prepare for his experiment properly.
C) was unable live the same life as animals in the wild. [1]
Task 2. Write no more than ONE word to complete the sentences.
4. According to Foster, children are better than adults at living like animals because they are more
_________________________. [1]
5. A/an ___________ is a very small creature with no bones, arms or legs which lives in soil.
6. Foster found it difficult to _______________ the otter’s reoccupation with food. [1]
Total [6]
Task. Read the article below and mark the statements YES / NO / NOT GIVEN.
Sustainable architecture – lessons from the ant
Termite mounds were the inspiration for an innovative design in sustainable living
The extraordinary Eastgate Building in Harare, Zimbabwe’s capital city, is said to be the only
one in the world to use the same cooling and heating principles as the termite mound.
This is all possible only because Harare is 1600 feet above sea level, has cloudless skies, little
humidity and rapid temperature swings days as warm as 31C commonly drop to 14C at night.
‘You couldn’t do this in New York, with its fantastically hot summers and fantastically cold
winters,’ architect Mick Pearce said. But then his eyes lit up at the challenge. ‘Perhaps you could
store the summer’s heat in winter somehow.’
The engineering firm of Ove Amp & Partners, which worked with him on the design,
monitors daily temperatures outside, under the floors and at knee, desk and ceiling level. Ove
Amp’s graphs show that the temperature of the building has generally stayed between 23C and
25C with the exception of the annual hot spell just before the summer rains in October, and three
days in November, when a janitor accidentally switched off the fans at night. 

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