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СОР Английский язык 6 класс 2 четверть «Drama and Comedy» с ответами

30 окт 2024, 22:33

Сумматиное оценивание за раздел «Drama and Comedy» 

Английский язык 6 класс 2 четверть

Summative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Drama and Comedy»

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organizing and carrying out Summative Assessment in “English language” for the. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade  Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessmentcriteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations

СОР Английскому языку 6 класс 2 четверть «Drama and Comedy» с ответами

Summative assessment for the unit “Drama and Comedy” 
Learning objectives 
Assessment criteria 
Level of thinking 
Reading (6.R2) Understand independently specific information and 
detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular 
topics (6.W2) Write with some support about real and imaginary past 
events, activities and  experiences on a limited range of familiar 
general topics and some curricular topics (6.W5) Develop with support coherent arguments supported 
when necessary by examples and reasons for a limited range of written 
genres in familiar general and curricular topics (6.UE15) Use common verbs  followed  by infinitive  verb / 
verb + ing patterns; use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of 
familiar general and curricular topics 
 Find  particular facts and parts in short simple texts 
 Write sentences about real and imaginary past events, activities 
and experiences with support 
 Write coherent arguments with support 
 Give examples and reasons to support arguments  
 Differentiate between the usage of infinitive and gerund forms 
and infinitive of purpose after common verbs 
Higher order thinking skills 
20 minutes 
Task 1. Read about a famous movie’ Life of Pi’ and do the task below. 
Life of Pi 
When Pi is 16, his family decides to close the zoo and move to Canada. They sell some of 
the animals to zoos in North America and the family takes the animals with them on a ship to 
Canada. On the way, there is a terrible storm and the ship sinks. Pi finds himself in a lifeboat 
with a hyena, zebra, orang-utan and a tiger. When he sees the animals, Pi is scared and he 
jumps into the ocean. Then he remembers there are sharks in the ocean and he climbs back into 
the lifeboat.  
Pi and the tiger spend 227 days in the lifeboat. They live through terrible storms and are 
burnt by the Pacific sun. They are often hungry and ill. Sometimes, Pi is happy and hopeful, but 
sometimes he feels sad and lonely. Finally, they arrive at the coast of Mexico, but you will have 
to read the book to find out what happens in the end! 
Circle True or False for these sentences. 
1. Pi moves to Canada in 16.                                                                             
2. Pi is scared when he sees the animals in the lifeboat.                                   
3. Pi fights with a big shark.                                                                              
4. At the end they land in the USA.                                                                   

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