Biology.Grade 10 Textbook Zhigibay T.

Наши электронные учебники по Биология для 10 класса от издательства "" (2019 год) на Английский представлены в форматах PDF и EPUB. Они выделяются высоким качеством, актуальностью материала и интересной, доступной формой изложения, с авторством Zhigibay T., Sagintayev A., Karimova N., Almaganbetov Z., Zhanassova K., Sakimov I., Yerekeshov N.. Используя электронные учебники, вы экономите на печатных изданиях и облегчаете нагрузку на детей с тяжелыми рюкзаками. Наша миссия - сделать образование доступным, комфортным и увлекательным для каждого ученика. Подарите вашим детям интерактивное обучение с помощью Zhigibay T., Sagintayev A., Karimova N., Almaganbetov Z., Zhanassova K., Sakimov I., Yerekeshov N. и сделайте учебу удобной на
Table of Contents
Chapter 1.0 Molecular biology and biochemistry
1. Water
2. Simple carbohydrates
3. Polysaccharides
4. Reducing and Nonreducing sugars
5. Lipids
6. Lipid Classification
7. Protein
8. Protein Function
9. Protein Denaturation
10. Protein Determination
11. DNA
12. DNA Replication
13. RNA
14. Nucleic acids
Chapter 2.0 Cell biology
1. The main components of the cell
2. Cell organelles
3. Nucleus.
4. Fluid mosaic model
5. Influence of various factors on the cell membrane
6. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell
Chapter 3.0 Nutrition
1. Enzymes
2. Factors and conditions affecting enzyme activity
Chapter 4.0 Transport
1. Hemoglobin and myoglobin
2. Influence of the ratio of surface area to volume on the diffusion rate
3. Mechanism of passive transport
Chapter 5.0 Respiration
1. ATP
2. Aerobic respiration
3. Anaerobic respiration
4. Metabolism
5. Formation of acetyl-CoA
6. Function of mitochondria during cellular respiration
7. Krebs cycle
8. Electron transport chain
Chapter 6.0 Excretion
1. Urine formation
2. Water regulation
3. Dialysis
4. Kidney transplantation
Chapter 7.0 Cell cycle
1. Introduction to Mitosis
2. Mitosis
3. Meiosis
4. Gametogenesis
5. The control of a cell cycle
6. Cancer
7. Aging
Chapter 8.0 Heredity and variability
1. Modifications
2. Cytogenetics
3. Sex-linked inheritance
4. Multiple alleles
5. Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
6. Interactions of alleles of one gene
7. Interactions of alleles of different genes
8. Mutations
Chapter 9.0 Evolution and Breeding.Biodiversity
1. Genetic variation
2. Factors of evolution
3. Evidence of evolution
4. Stages of the formation of life on Earth
5. Phylogenetic trees
6. Speciation
7. Selective breeding
8. Human evolution
Chapter 10.0 Coordination and regulation
1. Action potential
2. Refractory period
3. Central nervous system
4. Mechanoreceptors
5. The mechanism of synaptic transmission
Chapter 11.0 Movement
1. Structure of muscular tissue
2. Skeletal muscle contraction
3. Mechanism of muscular movement
4. Types of muscle fibers
Chapter 12.0 Biomedicine and bioinformatics
1. Application of biomechanics
2. Heart automaticity
Chapter 13.0 Biotechnology.
1. Microorganisms in daily life
2. Microorganisms in industry and medicine
3. Polymerase chain reaction
4. Application of PCR
5. Genetic engineering
6. Application of genetic engineering
7. Ethics of GMO application
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