СОЧ Английский язык 4 класс за 4 четверть c ответами
Суммативное оценивание за 4 четверть «Английский язык» 4 класс
Суммативное оцениваниенаправлено на проверку достижения обучающимися целей
обучения и выявление их уровня знаний, умений и навыков, приобретенных в течение
четверти в рамках обновления содержания среднего образования.
Спецификация описывает содержание и процедуру проведения суммативного
оценивания за четверть по предмету «Английский язык»в 4классе.
Учебная программа по предмету «Английский язык» (в рамках обновления
содержания среднего образования) для 2-4 классов уровня начального образования (с
русским языком обучения)вопросы с множественным выбором ответа, вопросы, требующие краткого / развернутого
ответа. В суммативном оценивании за четверть используются различные типы заданий:
вопросы с множественным выбором ответа, вопросы, требующие краткого / развернутого
Английский язык 4 класс СОЧ за 4 четверть
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for Term 4
Task 1. Listen to the story very carefully. Write the missing words into the sentences.
Go to the following link to listen information:
http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/eric-the-engine Note! Stop at 1:09!
1. One day there was a big ________________.
2. “The 10.15 London _________________ will be here in one hour.” said Rabbit.
3. “Let’s get Eric the Engine. He’s___________________ than all of us.”
4. Eric sent his _______________________ ahead.
Task 2. Read the text.
Sam and Tom saw a strange spacecraft.
They went inside the spacecraft and flew into space.
When they landed on Mars and saw an alien sports
competition. Sam and Tom went to the stadium. There
were alien Olympics!
Tom and Sam decided to compete with the aliens.
Tom became a runner and Sam became a swimmer. Tom
and Samwon gold, silver and bronze medals for running
and swimming.
The first Alien-Human Olympic Games were a big
success. Tom and Sam had a wonderful time on the
planet. They got back into the spacecraft and blasted off.
It took them eight hours to get home.
Circle 5 sentences relevant to the text. There are 3 EXTRA sentences.
1. Tom and Sam went swimming.
2. The spacecraft was strange.
3. They flew to Mercury.
4. Tom and Sam took part in Alien Olympics.
5. Tom and Sam won medals.
6. They got presents.
7. The time on the planet was fun.
8. They flew back home.
Task 3 . Write 4 sentences about Bob the astronaut’s daily routine. Put punctuation marks. Use
questions and adverbs sometimes, often, always, never.
1. What does Bob always have to do in the morning?
2. What does he sometimes do in the afternoon and at night?
3. What does Bob often like to do in space?
4. What can he never eat in space?
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