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ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 9-сынып 4-тоқсан жауаптар

07 ноя 2024, 21:30

Summative Assessment for the term 4 in “English” in Grade 9

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English” in Grade 9. 

Subject Programme for “English” (within the framework of updating the content ofsecondary education) for Grades 5-9 of basic secondary education.

ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 9-сынып 4-тоқсан жауаптар

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for term 4
Task. Listen to two people talking about why they visited or moved to a particular place. Match the
sentences (1-2) with their opinion (A – D). There are TWO extra options.
CD3 Tapescript4
1. According to Speaker 1 the only thing he could not do was … [1]
2. Speaker 2 was a bit nervous because she had to … [1]
A. being at the wedding party.
B. move to a different city on her own.
C. seeing a kangaroo in the wild.
D. go out of the town to get inspiration.
Task. Listen to the Speaker 3. Replace the underlined words in the sentences 1-3 with the words
from the recording. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each case. Use the correct part of speech.
CD3 Tapescript 5
3. The professor Harold Johns was a popular person. ______________[1]
4. The man wanted to persuade the Professor to allow him as his team-member. _____________[1]
5. The professor was surprised by his resume. ______________[1]
6. The man was very thankful for this chance ______________[1]
Total [6]
A. Modern technology is changing the way we live our lives. Clever gadgets make everyday
activities easier and enable people to use their time effectively. But what impact will this change
have in the future and is it really a positive thing? People are busier than ever before.
B. Technological advances (0) mean that things are often possible with the touch of a button. A
hundred years ago, however, things were very different. Everyday jobs, like doing the laundry,
would take a whole day, and the telephone was a new invention! Nowadays, almost every
household has a washing machine and a dishwasher, and there are more than 70 million mobile
phones in use in the United Kingdom alone.
C. Research shows that around 28% of children in the UK are obese. Some people are
concerned that this is because young people (1) spend too much time online and not enough time
socialising with their friends and playing outside. In the past, nearly all children walked to school
because their parents didn’t have a car. They didn’t have all the luxuries that many children have
now, so they used their imaginations and played outdoors in the fresh air.
D. Years ago, when people wanted to stay in touch with their friends and family, they wrote
letters. These days, however, E-mail communication and social networking sites, such as Facebook,
allow (2) instant, free international communication.
E. There are many benefits of using technology but we need to be responsible in the choices we
make. Modern equipment is often very expensive and does not (3) last a long time. It is important to
consider how much we really need these things and the impact they have on our health, the

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