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ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 7-сынып 4-тоқсан жауаптар

07 ноя 2024, 20:17

Summative Assessment for the term 4 in “English” in Grade 7

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English” in Grade 7. 

Subject Programme for “English” (within the framework of updating the content ofsecondary education) for Grades 5-9 of basic secondary education.

ТЖБ Ағылшын тілі 7-сынып 4-тоқсан жауаптар

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 4
Task. Listen and choose between A, B, C or D. CD3. Tapescript 4.
Use the link to listen informationhttp://www.listenaminute.com/f/fashion.mp3
Example:0.What places tell us what is ‘in’ and ‘out’ this summer?
A) shops
1. According to the speaker fashion is
A) silly
B) strange
C) fantastic
D) boring [1]
2. According to the speaker who tells us about fashion.
B) government
C) celebrities
D) people [1]
Continue listening to tape and fill in the gaps with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS:
3. Keeping up with fashion is _______________ these days. [1]
4. The craziest fashion is the luxury ________________. [1]
Choose the correct answer.
5. How much do people spend on fashionable things?
A)day’s salary
B)month’s salary
C)year’s salary
D)week’s salary [1]
6. What is the speaker happy with?
A) known brand at half the price
B) unknown brand at full price
C) known brand at full price
D) unknown brand at half the price [1]
Total [6]

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