Тип файла
Тип файла
Вид объекта
Сфера деятельности
Марка автомобиля
Настройки поиска

Theme of the lesson:
Learners read non-fiction books in Kazakh, English, Russian languages
Learning objectives - deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a range of familiar general and curricular topics; use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about an increased range of general and curricular topics;
Lesson objectives
All learners will be able to
identify some specific information and key ideas in texts and use some target language to express views and comment on some views of others with support
Most learners will be able to
identify most specific information and key ideas in texts and use a range of target language to express views and comment on some views of others with support
Some learners will be able to
identify all specific information and most key ideas in texts and use a range of target language to express views and comment on views of others with little support
Скачать сборник КСП по English 9 класс
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  • 21-01-2021
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